Change Today By Investing Into Tomorrow
When we look to change today by investing into tomorrow, everything changes.
This last week I was finishing up a job where I had cleaned someone’s windows. (If you are looking for a side-business, window cleaning is a great option. Email me and I can explain more.) As I stood in this family’s house to get paid, I struck up a conversation with the family’s 10-year-old son. He was intrigued by my window cleaning business.
We stood there talking over the next 10 minutes about work, entrepreneurship, and generating an income. His mom would throw her two cents in every couple of minutes. This was a young entrepreneur and I loved it. In 10 minutes I shared with him how he could begin to create multiple streams of income to invest into his future. But he didn’t only need to know about working, jobs, or businesses. I shared how he needed to think differently and operate on a different wave link.
I wrapped up my conversation with him and began to head back home. But this young entrepreneur said something that stuck as I left.
He said, “Wow, I just learned more in the last 10 minutes than I did all of this last year.”
Now I am not sure if that is really true, but the comment got me thinking. What I had shared with this young boy was how to setup for the future. I wanted him to see life differently and think differently. These are some of the first steps every person needs to take before entering any career path.
Investment Today Shapes The Plans For Tomorrow.
This young entrepreneur was looking into his future and I am sure that is common for younger kids, but what about adults? What happens when you graduate college and no longer have time to plan for tomorrow? You need a job to pay the bills. You need to provide for your family. You need to take care of the present first and hopefully tomorrow will turn out okay.
When we only are able to look 2 inches in front of our faces, we make decisions and plans not really setting up for the future.
We need a better plan. We need to setup for the future.
Dave Ramsey says, “If you will live like no else, later you can live like no one else.”
Today Sets Up For Tomorrow
If you are not planning for tomorrow by living out today with intention, your life tomorrow will have no purposeful direction. There needs to be a plan.
Zig Ziglar says, “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.”
An unplanned, unprepared, and unexpected tomorrow is a recipe to live by society’s design rather than yours. I am not saying you will have complete control over everything that happens in the future, but at least you will have direction with a vision. This is crucial.
The bible says in Proverbs 16:9, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”
It is our responsibility to plan for the future and respond to the different steps along the way.
The Future Is Dependent On Your Investment
In the financial circle, there is a lot of information said about investments, but in all other areas of life, it seems as though the word investment is left out.
To be honest, I do not understand why.
If you are looking to reap the rewards on a financial investment in the future, wouldn’t you do the same for other areas of life? What about your relational investment? Or how about your vocational investment? When was the last time you made a great investment on your mental future?
There needs to be a precedent to our present day investments in all areas of life that impacts our future.
Investments come in 3 different shapes, time, energy, and money.
What are you investing with time, energy, and money? What does your future relational, mental, physical, spiritual, financial, and vocational life look like? What deposits are you making into these areas?
The bible also says these very wise words in 2 Corinthians 9:6, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
What are you investing?